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Adult Ministries

Women’s Ministry

We meet at 7pm the first Tuesday of each month.


Ladies Bible study is for all women. Our vision is to know God better in order to love Him more so that we will obey Him always. Our method is simply studying His Word together with other books which focus on how we as saved sinners can serve Him and our sisters in Christ.


In addition, we firmly believe that prayer with and for one another is vital. We partake in this activity each time we get together during our fellowship time. And yes...on many occasions food and beverage are involved.

Karen Parker

Karen as Pastor Tim's wife has a special love for the women of Shenandoah and seeks God's will in encouraging the ladies of the church through His word.

Men’s Ministry

We meet regularly for either breakfast or supper. This event always has great food and a focus on what God is doing in our lives and in our church. These men also are a vital part of our physical ministry as many of them help take care of our facilities on our property as well as going out in the community to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Shenandoah Seniors

Once a month our Senior Adults meet for supper and a time of entertainment. This time of fellowship is a relaxed atmosphere surrounded by great food, good music, and wonderful friends in Christ. In addition to this monthly meal, our Shenandoah Seniors take regular trips to go shopping, go out to eat, and occasionally to local plays and other entertainment venues.

Young Adults

 Our Young Adult MERGE group meets for Sunday School and on Wednesday nights for discipleship each week. This group is made up of college students, young singles, and young couples. We meet frequently throughout the year for suppers and fellowship while striving to create a community of like-minded individuals who are going through similar life experiences.

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